Sunday, 10 January 2016

Bold lip tutorial

Hi beauts,
This is my first post of 2016! I have been away for a while due to personal issues but I would like to announce that I am now back and on board with my YouTube videos & blog posts!! 

My first make-up tutorial will be featuring a beautiful bold red lip with signature eyeliner! If you would like to know how I created this then click on the play button below!

Products used:
Tom Ford cream foundation stick
Tom Ford shade and illuminate palette
Nars radiant creamy concealer
Mac blush - Sweet as Cocoa
Mac warm neutral palette
Mac skin finish - Global Glow
Urban Decay lip liner - 69
Lime Crime Velvetine - Red velvet
Illamasqua precision gel liner
Illamasqua brow gel - Strike
Charlotte Tilbury eye cheat pencil
Ardell lashes

If you would like to see more tutorials, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe! 

Taran x

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Student life: How to get through university

Although this post is not beauty related, as a recent graduate I thought I would share my experience with my fellow students out there. It isn't as easy as some people make it out to be, you will face challenges and you will face hurdles - but this is life's journey.

Life will prepare you for the real world out there by placing obstacles in your path. It is up to yourself to build the courage, strength and mindfulness to get through to your destination. University is similar, you will face challenges and you may even break down (I did) but when you reach your goal - it is totally worth it!

Below are some tips which I will share with my fellow students, these tips are not professional advice - they are simply wise words from someone who has experienced what you are going through right now ...

1. Stay organised - if you don't stay organised, you will find it difficult to get any work done. Invest in a diary - I love stationary so that helped me out when finding my cute Filofax! Believe it or not, if my room was messy I could not start my work until it was spotless! 

2. Research - if you do not do an adequate amount of research then your references will be limited alongside your knowledge on the assignment you will be writing. Take your time out and conduct research - even if it means reading through short journals! 

3. Life balance - although I am putting stress on focussing on your study, you should also have an even balance between your student life and your social life. Don't go crazy but maintain that fair balance .. You'll find yourself stressing a lot less! 

4. Enjoy it - there is nothing worse than attending a lecture you do not enjoy. All I can say is if you do not like the topic find a way to enjoy it, I'm sure you can do that! 

5. Aim for the stars - I know life can give you hurdles and you will be tested throughout university but don't be afraid to aim high. The higher you aim the more you will work harder to achieve those goals. Of course aim realistically - but work hard and you will not be disappointed! 

Hope this post helps! 

Taran x 

Friday, 20 November 2015

VLOG: Medical pedicure (Dr Foot Clinic, Birmingham)

Our feet are the most important parts of our body, little do we realise that these little things that help us walk, run and do all the things we need to do need some TLC from time to time, many of us neglect our feet.

Well I went on a little journey to find out what we can do to help maintain the mobility, soft skin and condition of our feet by testing out the new craze of medical pedicures!

The medical pedicure is of course self-explanatory just by the name however what many of us do not know is the stages which are carried out in this treatment which makes it quite different from a standard pedicure which would be carried out in a nail salon. I decided to take you beauts on my beauty trip so that you could join me in my experience and get an insight into what completes a full medical pedicure! Check out my vlog down below:

After the treatment I found my feel felt very relaxed and less tense on the area of the arch of my foot. I also found my skin was a lot smoother and looked fresh with a glow. The treatment in itself lasted the duration of an hour, however it was an hour well spent. I thoroughly enjoyed the warm wax treatment as that was a step which I had not heard of before making it a new treatment to my knowledge. I found the warmth of the wax VERY relaxing, and the feeling of the wax quite lovely too. As far as this treatment goes, I would definitely recommend it to my clients if they feel their feet need some attention, but I would definitely recommend it to my brides! 

If you are a Taran K bride you will receive a unique discount code on booking confirmation, so that you can treat yourself to a medical pedicure before your big day! 

Clinic information:
Dr Abid
Dr Foot Clinic (Click here for website)

Taran x

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Crystal collagen gold eye mask

If you follow my blog, you will know that I am all about skincare products and if a product claims to boost collagen then I'm all ears! This bizzare beauty found its way to me through an app called Wowcher! Yes, I got a pretty good deal on these GOLD collagen eye masks, from £159 to £13! Bargain! 

I thought to myself, if that was the original price there must be some truth in the product description in relation to the collagen booster. I for one do not want wrinkles around my eyes so I went ahead and placed my order. I have been using the eye masks for a minimum of 1 night per week. 

These masks, come in a small condense packet which has been made airtight. This helps the masks stay moist in the solution which comes in the packet. I have noticed when using the masks, if sat up right the mask will eventually move down from its initial positioning so the masks are best applied when laying down. 

All in all, I have found that after using the masks my skin feels immediately tighter, and also feels refreshed, but apart from that I'm not sure if there is anything more to the product itself. However for a beauty bargain I think I did well! 

Hope this post helped! 

Taran x

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Best mascara remover EVER!

Hi beauts,
I believe I have finally discovered the most amazing mascara remover ever!

Believe you me, I have tried so many different eye make-up removers from drug store brands to high end brands and nothing ever seems to leave my eyelashes feeling clean and light. Well since I started to use Dermalogica as my skin care routine I've found the pre-cleansing oil to work absolute wonders in getting any type of mascara off with ease! BUT it does sting when it makes contact with the eyes!

After using my pre-cleansing oil from the Dermalogica skin care range I came across another cleanser which has in all honesty changed my skin care routine too for the more positive - Lancôme Galateis Douceur Gentle softening cleaansing fluid face & eyes.

This has got to be the biggest life changing facial cleanser EVER! I had purchased this alongside the Tonique Doucer - softening hydrating alcohol-free toner in a duo set during the Christmas sales in Selfridges 2014 for a really good price. (I cannot remember the RRP or the sale price but I promise you it was a must have bargain!) It has lasted me for a very long time and has definitely given me great results in terms of the over all appearance for my skin and with REMOVING MASCARA!!

I would most definitely highly recommend the Lancôme facial cleanser and toner. You will definitely see and feel the difference after a good few uses of the products, leaving you with hydrated and freshly cleansed skin!

Taran x

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Tutorial: GRWM 10 minute make-up look

Hi beauts,
As promised here is a post which will show you all the products used to achieve my '10 minute' make-up look! If you are every in a rush, this make-up look is totally the way forward - it ONLY takes 10 minutes of your time to get ready and out of your front door! 

Product list:
  1. Urban decay - Diamond dog moondust eye shadow
  2. Mac lipstick - Pander me
  3. Gerard cosmetics - lipstick Nude 
  4. Mac eye-shadow - Brun
  5. Max factor mascara (any will do)
  6. Eldora lashes - H160 (optional) 
  7. Mac studio fix concealer - NC35
  8. Tom Ford foundation stick 
  9. Mac blusher - Sweet as cocoa 
Brushes used:
  • Real techniques buffing brush
  • Any blusher brush
  • Mac 217 (angled brush)
Check out the tutorial below to see how I created this look in 10 minutes! The music has been left on so you can see exactly how long it took me to create this look!

Hope you enjoyed this post! 

Taran x

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Mac cosmetics: Volcanic ash exfoliator

The key to feeling good is having great feeling skin!

Mac cosmetic's volcanic ash exfoliator is one of my favourite products to use as part of my weekly skincare regime. This exfoliator is packed with minerals which are great for your skin, in terms of cleansing, hydrating and much more! 

As I have combination skin, my skin tends to get a little dry around my nose and mouth area and oily in the t-zone. This product is perfect for my skin type! Alongside taking away dead and dry skin, the exfoliator strips away any excess oils which helps keep my skin oil free! I've also found that this product does brighten up my skin quite a lot in comparison to other exfoliators which is a bonus as I do tend to have quite a dull skin complexion.  

The packaging of this product, is sweet and simple which is great when travelling too if you need to carry it with you on the go. A little does go a very long way which is another positive about Mac's volcanic ash exfoliator. 

At first this product was an impulse buy as I am obsessed with anything skincare related - but I have loved this product every time I have used it! Definitely a must have if you like a product for gentle ex-foliation, skin brightening and cleansing! 

You will definitely be left with smooth and fresh feeling skin! 

Taran x