If you have been following me and what I have been up to you will notice that I have been involved in quite a few professional photo-shoots. Since I have been involved in many through out my make-up artist journey, I thought my next blog post should be on my favourite recommendations on my go to make-up products for the camera!
So, for those who have never been involved in a professional photo-shoot and are just starting out here is a little insight into what it involves:
Firstly, it is important for you to have an appropriate date to fit the shoot simply due to the fact that it will be an all day shoot, especially if you are new to this experience. Of course, you would need yourself to create your magic, a model to create the magic on and of course a professional photographer with a studio!
Photo-shoots are definitely a one of a kind experience. It is the best way to get to know professionals and see how you work yourself in an environment of the same sort. It is definitely an experience which will help you build yourself as a professional in the industry of make-up artists.
Now on to the recommendations for photo-shoot make-up! Many of my shoots have been based on Asian bridal and fashion looks. The top make-up products which I have picked, are essentials within my make-up kit and are great products to use in and out of studio!
When creating a make-up look for a professional photo-shoot, do keep in mind that you will have to be slightly more heavy handed that usual. This is because the lighting in the studio will wash most of the make-up away, so the key trick is to apply just enough so that the make-up still shows through the photos captured on camera!
Foundation and concealer picks
The best foundation picks, I must say would be the Kryolan TV paint sticks and Mac studio fix fluid. These products are perfect to use in and out of the studio, the liquid foundation is perfect for beauty shots and the TV paint sticks, for more of a heavier make-up look for example Asian bridal! My favourite concealer to use most definitely is the Mac Pro studio fix concealer palettes! They come in a range of different colours which are the essentials required for your professional kit, the palette comes in shades light, medium and dark. These are also great for contouring!
Blusher and highlighter picks
The best blusher products in my books, would be either the Sleek blush palettes or MAC blushes. These blushes are insanely pigmented and will definitely show up on the camera, alongside the heavy artificial lighting set up in studio. The greatest and my all time favourite highlighter is Illamasqua's hightlight in Gleam! If you cannot get your hands on this highlighter then you can for sure use, Nars Albatross or MAC's soft and gentle the all time classic!
Brow product picks
The best brow products, must go to the one and only Illamasqua brow gel in strike. Alway's shade in your brows a little darker than usual to make them stand out for the shoot! Of course, do not go over board with the shading but you get the point! Another awesome product to use on the brows for a natural finish is MAC's eye-shadow in Brun!
Hope this post has helped at least a few of your ladies, who are considering booking a photo-shoot for your make-up portfolios!
Taran x