I haven't been in the blogging world for a while, however I am now back and will try to keep my blogging consistent for you lovely ladies!
Today's post will be on KS Henna products! Kirti Sharma kindly sent me some of her mendhi cones to try and test out. I am super excited to share my feedback with all my fellow henna artists out there .. Really do hope this post if helpful!
KS Glitter Cones - Gold KS3
The first product which I sampled was of course the glitter cone.
This glitter cone is absolutely gorgeous. The colour and the pigment of the fine glitter is phenomenal! I mean what more could you ask for from a glitter henna product right? Alongside the winning points of pigment & colour pay off - the longevity of the product also won me over. I was at the bathroom sick scrubbing with force to get this off, another sign of an outstanding henna product!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
KS Henna - Cajeput mini cones
Firstly I must say that, the name of the products really do not do justice. The Cajeput mini cones are really not mini, if anything they are pretty amazing workable size! I was expecting them to be smaller than what the product actually was so hey, this was a win for me! Perfect sized henna cones!
Secondly, I decided to put these henna products to the test in a different way. Usually when receiving henna products in the post people put them to use straight away test the stain and voila! Amazing results. But I really felt like I had to challenge these products in a unique way so here is what I did!
After receiving the henna cones, I put one aside in my room. The rest I kept stored away, the henna come which I put the the side was left at room temperature for around 4 weeks. YES! I left the henna come out of the fridge for 4 weeks, if you are a henna fanatic you will know that this is a total no no and this will destroy the stain power.
After 4 weeks of room temperature, the cones consistency was still pretty decent especially the flow. Now this, really impressed me! Despite the cone had fluids which were probably the oils separated the henna itself still was intact and easily flowing. Not only this, but I had only kept the henna on for around 20-25 minutes & below is the stain under 24 hours.
Although this isn't the deepest of stains, I think this is excellent for a product that was left out in room temperature for 4 weeks, yes a month. If this is the stain after storing the cone in the worst way possible then surely if the cones are well looked after and store the stain will be phenomenal!
KS henna - you have passed my test with flying colours! Literally!!
I really am impressed with these products and will surely be ordering my brides henna cones from KS henna!
I hope this post was a good read and helped you in picking the right henna products for your clients!
Taran x