Thursday, 29 October 2015

Best mascara remover EVER!

Hi beauts,
I believe I have finally discovered the most amazing mascara remover ever!

Believe you me, I have tried so many different eye make-up removers from drug store brands to high end brands and nothing ever seems to leave my eyelashes feeling clean and light. Well since I started to use Dermalogica as my skin care routine I've found the pre-cleansing oil to work absolute wonders in getting any type of mascara off with ease! BUT it does sting when it makes contact with the eyes!

After using my pre-cleansing oil from the Dermalogica skin care range I came across another cleanser which has in all honesty changed my skin care routine too for the more positive - Lancôme Galateis Douceur Gentle softening cleaansing fluid face & eyes.

This has got to be the biggest life changing facial cleanser EVER! I had purchased this alongside the Tonique Doucer - softening hydrating alcohol-free toner in a duo set during the Christmas sales in Selfridges 2014 for a really good price. (I cannot remember the RRP or the sale price but I promise you it was a must have bargain!) It has lasted me for a very long time and has definitely given me great results in terms of the over all appearance for my skin and with REMOVING MASCARA!!

I would most definitely highly recommend the Lancôme facial cleanser and toner. You will definitely see and feel the difference after a good few uses of the products, leaving you with hydrated and freshly cleansed skin!

Taran x