Life will prepare you for the real world out there by placing obstacles in your path. It is up to yourself to build the courage, strength and mindfulness to get through to your destination. University is similar, you will face challenges and you may even break down (I did) but when you reach your goal - it is totally worth it!
Below are some tips which I will share with my fellow students, these tips are not professional advice - they are simply wise words from someone who has experienced what you are going through right now ...
1. Stay organised - if you don't stay organised, you will find it difficult to get any work done. Invest in a diary - I love stationary so that helped me out when finding my cute Filofax! Believe it or not, if my room was messy I could not start my work until it was spotless!
2. Research - if you do not do an adequate amount of research then your references will be limited alongside your knowledge on the assignment you will be writing. Take your time out and conduct research - even if it means reading through short journals!
3. Life balance - although I am putting stress on focussing on your study, you should also have an even balance between your student life and your social life. Don't go crazy but maintain that fair balance .. You'll find yourself stressing a lot less!
4. Enjoy it - there is nothing worse than attending a lecture you do not enjoy. All I can say is if you do not like the topic find a way to enjoy it, I'm sure you can do that!
5. Aim for the stars - I know life can give you hurdles and you will be tested throughout university but don't be afraid to aim high. The higher you aim the more you will work harder to achieve those goals. Of course aim realistically - but work hard and you will not be disappointed!
Hope this post helps!
Taran x