Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Review: Urban Decay - Limited ed. vice palette

Hi beauts,

Welcome back to my page! This is the first ever beauty post to be posted on my blog and I am super excited to share my review with you all! 

As you know this post will be on the Urban Decay limited edition vice palette, which was launched exclusively to Selfridges stores. Urban decay is one of my favourite go to brands for good quality and pigmented eye make-up. 

The packaging of this palette compared to the vice 2 isn't that much different other than the colour of the palette itself. It is a BRIGHT neon green with a beautiful green crystal 'UD' on the lid of the palette. The packaging, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! 

The weight and thickness of the product is the same as the previous palette and does contain 20 beautiful eyeshades with a double ended brush for application.

It also has the same push button to open up the lid on the palette which is always handy! 

I found that some of the eyeshades in the limited vice palette are quite similar to the vice 2 such as the shades Hoodoo, Disco, Goddess and Floss. However there are also new shades included which I do love (Last sin, Blitz, Junkshow and Crystal are my new faves). So I went ahead and swatched the colours for you lovelies!

Row 1 (left to right): Nameless, Backdoor, Deeper, Disco, Heat

Row 2 (left to right): Crystal, Goddess, Vaporize, Floss, Perversion

Row 3 (left to right): Provocateur, Hoodoo, Freakshow, Junkshow, Blitz

Row 4 (left to right): Chase, Last sin, Roadstripe, Anonymous, Laced

I do think if you can get your hands on this palette and don't have the vice 2 then I would suggest buying it simply because of the fact that it is similar to the vice 2, however as a owner of the previous vice palette I still feel like I have invested my money into a product that I will still get a good use out of considering a few of the shades are very similar to the vice 2. Overall it is a beautiful product, whether it is for yourself, your make-up kit or a gift for someone, remember you can never have too much make-up!

Hope you enjoyed this post and found it useful!

Taran x

Saturday, 8 November 2014

First post

Hi beauts,

Hope you are all good and well. Firstly I would like to thank you for coming onto my blog to check it out! You are most likely on of the first few who have taken time out to see what my blog is or will be all about. I have been meaning to create a blog for a while now, a lot of friends have encouraged me & told me that it would be a great idea seeing as I'm totally all for make-up as well as other beauty related things!

Firstly I would like to tell you a little bit about myself; I'm a freelance hair, henna & make-up artist. Yes, I have a professional qualification within professional make-up artistry although I was initially self-taught. I am OBSESSED with make-up and all things beauty related, so this is what my blog will be about! (If you hadn't have already figured that out)

So on to what this blog will actually post - make-up looks, product reviews & swatches, skin care product reviews, behind the scenes shots from photo shoots and whatever else you beauts would like to see or read about!

So that's a wrap on my first blog post! Hope to see you on my page again soon, leaving with new beauty related tips and tricks!

Taran x