Hope you are all good and well. Firstly I would like to thank you for coming onto my blog to check it out! You are most likely on of the first few who have taken time out to see what my blog is or will be all about. I have been meaning to create a blog for a while now, a lot of friends have encouraged me & told me that it would be a great idea seeing as I'm totally all for make-up as well as other beauty related things!
Firstly I would like to tell you a little bit about myself; I'm a freelance hair, henna & make-up artist. Yes, I have a professional qualification within professional make-up artistry although I was initially self-taught. I am OBSESSED with make-up and all things beauty related, so this is what my blog will be about! (If you hadn't have already figured that out)
So on to what this blog will actually post - make-up looks, product reviews & swatches, skin care product reviews, behind the scenes shots from photo shoots and whatever else you beauts would like to see or read about!
So that's a wrap on my first blog post! Hope to see you on my page again soon, leaving with new beauty related tips and tricks!
Taran x
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